Monday, June 11, 2007

Ektu Adda

When You Feel a Little Lonely,
With the Expanse of the Sky Staring at You
And the Evening breeze smoothing away the wrinkles
of the tedius morning. Or when
A pretty girl holding somebody else's hands.
A little boy jumping with a pleasure that can never be yours.
When another's cigar is making all the smoke
Dont Feel hopeless or be Cramped for Space
Have a litle adda, with anybody
over a cup of tea
in some shady hunt
with plastic bags rolling around
and the blare of the honking traffic
Dont you care
Just go on chatting.
Make yourself heard, although nobody is hearing
Or be angry and have a fight,
be creative or contemplative
or wage war against politics and grocery.
Just show that you are still living
Only through a little Adda

1 comment:

anwesha said...

akash er sathe adda merechho, bondhu? the south-west monsoons are here. the winds have just started to play with the clouds, making a plethora of patterns in the canvas of the sky. ever tried to engage in an intense adda with the changing shapes and hues of the condensed droplets? the pitter-patter raindrops will join you, for sure. whoever has experienced this depth of what rises like "a child from the womb, a ghost from the tomb", please come back and post your words here. i will come back here everyday to find my friend that belongs to the sky and the clouds